My Brest Friend: Twin Breastfeeding Pillow
I am very excited to tell you about some of the fabulous breastfeeding accessories that My Brest Friend offers. I have four boys; my last two were twins. I was scared and overwhelmed. How would I...
View ArticleUdder Cover: A Great Nursing Cover Up
I’ve breastfed my babies in a variety of locales all over the US. With Bradley, my firstborn, I used a light-weight blanket when I was in mixed company or sitting in a public place. It gave me...
View ArticleThe Advantages of a Double Breast Pump
If I asked for a show of hands for how many of us looked forward to the day we would say “goodbye” to our friend, The Double Breast Pump, I think there would be a sea of hands popping up! But if I...
View ArticleFeatures of a Good Breastfeeding Pump
The features of a breastfeeding pump are important factors when deciding which one is best for you. There are a variety of breast pumps ranging from hospital-grade, personal electric pumps, and manual...
View ArticleBreast Milk Freezer Storage: Your Question Answered
Dear Rando, I’ve got some questions for you. I am preparing to go back to work and my plan is to pump while I am at work. I have a ton of questions on how breast milk freezer storage – how to pump at...
View ArticleHow to Make Your Own Nursing Cover
There’s a lot of chatter out there about whether or not a breastfeeding mother should cover up while out in public. In my opinion, it is strictly optional. But if you’re going to do it, do it in style....
View Article20 Tips for Pumping Breast Milk
Expressing breast milk can often seem like an impassible mountain. Once you get the hang of it, though, you’ll be able to pump in your sleep! Here are some tips for pumping breast milk. Keep in mind...
View ArticleWin an Ergobaby Carrier!
wOOhOO! I’m so excited about this giveaway. Breastfeeding Place has teamed up with Roz from Real Food Family to spread the word about her DIY Baby-Wearing Wrap Tutorial and Ergobaby Giveaway! What...
View Article5 Practical & Stylish Breastfeeding Tops
Breastfeeding can be challenging at times, especially if you are a new mom. The last thing you should be worrying about is finding breastfeeding tops that are practical and stylish. During my past 11...
View ArticleTips for Choosing a Breast Pump
Many breastfeeding mothers will find use for a breast pump at some point in their nursing years. Choosing a breast pump can sometimes be a bit overwhelming, though. They all look so similar and use...
View ArticleAre There Special Breastfeeding Clothes?
Breastfeeding a baby around the clock can prove to be quite difficult if you don’t have the proper clothing. Some regular clothing will work fine for breastfeeding, but there is a lot of clothing out...
View ArticleUdder Cover: A Great Nursing Cover Up
I’ve breastfed my babies in a variety of locales all over the US. With Bradley, my firstborn, I used a light-weight blanket when I was in mixed company or sitting in a public place. It gave me...
View ArticleThe Advantages of a Double Breast Pump
If I asked for a show of hands for how many of us looked forward to the day we would say “goodbye” to our friend, The Double Breast Pump, I think there would be a sea of hands popping up! But if I...
View ArticleFeatures of a Good Breastfeeding Pump
The features of a breastfeeding pump are important factors when deciding which one is best for you. There are a variety of breast pumps ranging from hospital-grade, personal electric pumps, and manual...
View ArticleMy Favorite Breastfeeding Accessories
Every mom needs her “mom gear!” And, while some items are necessities, others are simple luxuries. Breastfeeding calls for some new things, and this list showcases the nursing items I can’t live...
View ArticleBreastfeeding Cover Styles and Options
While many nursing mothers don’t feel the need to utilize a breastfeeding cover, there are many others (like myself) who prefer a little coverage when they are feeding their child. When my first child...
View ArticleBabies, Bottles and Breasts: The Best Breast Pump for Twins
Ideally, all moms of multiples could breastfeed their babes–simultaneously–without a hitch. But, in reality, there are innumerable difficulties which can spring up and make breastfeeding difficult (or...
View ArticleBreastfeeding Pumps: Which Ones Suck The Most?
Having trouble deciding which of the breastfeeding pumps are right for you? Let’s take a good luck at what is available and see if we can narrow down the options and explain each type in better detail....
View ArticleBreastfeeding Scarf: Our Favorite New Accessory
I admit it, I’m not the most fashion-forward mother in the world. I don’t wear make-up, I rarely do anything special with my hair, and you’re lucky if I bust out my boots in winter (instead of my toe...
View ArticleFreemie Hands-Free Pumping System Giveaway
I’m excited to bring you all this great giveaway for a Freemie Hands-Free Pumping System (a $160 value). This seems like a great product on the market that would be a huge help to a lot of mamas. Read...
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